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Stay updated on the status of abortion laws throughout the country by signing up for our Reproductive Health Digest, a bi-weekly newsletter that highlights major changes in reproductive health laws across 56 states and territories. 


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In this bi-weekly newsletter, subscribers receive:

  • In-depth analysis and overviews of legal changes at the state level from our Reproductive Justice Staff Attorney, Alyssa Morrison. This section will provide you with her expert opinion and some concise context on the impact of these changes.

  • What else is happening in access? When relevant, we will provide you with updates and context on areas of the law that intersect with reproductive health and bodily autonomy, including LGBTQ+ rights, emergency contraceptive, gender-affirming care, and access to healthcare generally.

  • Issue of the week. This section will provide a quick explainer on an important and timely subject in reproductive health care, giving you an opportunity to engage more deeply with the issues.

  • Any relevant calls to action. When relevant, we will provide you with information on how you can take action to support reproductive health and rights. This could include ways to volunteer, opportunities for advocacy in your home state, and more.

    Volunteers for our Reproductive Health Legal Assistance Project have worked diligently to keep our reproductive health database up-to-date. This newsletter includes research from our database to provide you with accurate information so that you can stay informed and be an effective advocate for reproductive rights.