Our mission is to mobilize lawyers to ensure that all levels of government — federal, state, and local— promote equal justice under the law and uphold civil and human rights, including the right to health and the right to live in a healthy environment.


We believe "good government" requires, at minimum:

1. Equality

A “good government” is grounded in the principle that all people are equal and may not be discriminated against because of their race, religion, ethnic group, gender, or sexual orientation.

2. Citizen Participation

A healthy democracy cannot exist without citizen participation in government - including running for office, voting in elections, staying informed, debating issues, protesting, sitting on juries, etc.

3. Free and Fair Elections

In a healthy democracy, elected officials must be chosen and peacefully removed from office in a free and fair manner. Obstacles should not exist which make it difficult for people to vote. Election districts should not be drawn in a manner designed specifically to disadvantage members of a particular political party, race, religion, or any other group.

4. Protection of Human Rights and the Environment

In a “good government,” the rights of the minority are protected even though the “majority rules” in a democracy. Human rights, including (but not limited to) those explicitly protected by the Constitution, must be respected and defended. The environment must be protected for the sake of all human beings and for future generations relying on those in power to ensure a safe, healthy, and sustainable environment. Government decisions should reflect a deeply rooted respect for human life and human dignity.

5. Accountability to the People

A “good government” is accountable to the people, not to special interests, corporate interests, or the self-interest of elected and appointed officials. Government officials must make decisions and perform their duties based on the best interests of the people. To ensure accountability to the people, a “good government” is as transparent as possible - holding public meetings and allowing citizens to attend, providing information to the press, and being clear about what decisions are being made, by whom, and why.

6. Control of the Abuse of Power

A “good government” prevents elected officials or groups of people from misusing or abusing their power. Corruption, conflicts of interest, failure to respect the legitimate authority of other branches of government, acting outside the bounds of one’s own authority, and other abuses must be prevented or at the very least, identified and addressed quickly. To ensure that abuses of power can be controlled, the checks and balances contemplated by our Constitution must be able to operate as intended.

7. Rule of Law & Due Process

In a “good government,” no one is above the law; this includes members of Congress, Justices of the Supreme Court, and the President of the United States. The law must be enforced equally, fairly, consistently, and with respect for human life and dignity.