Lawyers for Good Government

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Reflecting on a Lively "State of the Union" Discussion with L4GG

Last Thursday, L4GG turned an ordinary evening into an engaging one! Our private Facebook group came alive as we tuned into the State of the Union (SOTU) address, an event that was anything but typical for our passionate community. With a fun twist, we engaged in a real-time discussion, using our L4GG-themed "BINGO" card that captured the essence of our mission and the issues we stand for.

The engagement from our community was nothing short of inspiring. As the President spoke, we collectively updated our BINGO card, marking off issues as they were mentioned. We were pleased to see that the President outright addressed or briefly touched upon a significant number of the critical issues we advocate for at L4GG.

Specifically, the President properly addressed several key issues that lie at the heart of L4GG’s mission:

  • Protecting the right to abortion care

  • Defending democratic institutions from corruption

  • Instilling measures to prevent voter suppression

  • Ensuring climate funding is spent equitably

  • Increasing environmental protections

However, POTUS expressed support for the Senate anti-asylum border bill, and used a dehumanizing term to refer to undocumented immigrants, diverging from our values and sparking a vibrant conversation among our members. This unfortunate turn provided a moment of reflection on our collective stance and the importance of our ongoing advocacy efforts for immigrants’ rights.

Additionally, some issues were mentioned too briefly for our liking, including the combat against attacks on trans health access and the welcoming of asylum seekers with the right to work. These fleeting mentions sparked discussions on how we, as a community, can further advocate for these critical areas.

The evening was a testament to the power of community and the importance of staying engaged with the political process. As we look back on a successful discussion, we're already looking forward to making this annual tradition even more impactful.

Join us next year in our Facebook group for another lively SOTU night. Here's to continuing our annual tradition!